Resource Package - PhysioYoga and the Pelvic Floor

Resource Package - PhysioYoga and the Pelvic Floor
This course includes
The instructors
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What's included
The practices provided in The PhysioYoga and the Pelvic Floor Resource Package include the following:
Pelvic Floor Relaxation practices in various yoga postures and mindful movement.
Facilitation of Pelvic Floor Engagement and Excursion practices coordinated with Breath and Movement.
Standing Balance practices to enhance pelvic floor and core efficiency, using language and cueing to promote efficient breath and motor timing.
Additional Mindful Meditation practices to enhance calming of the nervous systems, focus and concentration, compassion, self-awareness, and psycho-emotional regulation.
In addition, the following awareness practices in various yoga postures are included in this resource package:
- Enhance connection to and awareness of the pelvic floor
- Mind, breath, and body scan
- Mindfulness practices of 5 koshas in yoga
- Tactile and visual feedback of perineum
- Pelvic diaphragmatic breath visualization.
Shelly Prosko's online course
The instructors

Shelly is a physiotherapist, yoga therapist, educator, author and pioneer of PhysioYoga who has been integrating yoga into physiotherapy since 1998 with a focus on chronic pain, pelvic health, compassion in healthcare and professional burnout. She guest lectures at numerous yoga therapy and physiotherapy schools, presents at yoga and medical conferences globally, contributes to academic research and writing, provides mentorship to professionals, and offers courses and resources for yoga and healthcare practitioners and the general population. Shelly is a Pain Care Aware Lead Trainer.
She considers herself a lifelong student and emphasizes the immense value gained from clinical experience and learning from the patients she serves, the professionals she teaches, and the colleagues with which she collaborates.
Shelly has written several book chapters in yoga therapy and integrative rehabilitation textbooks and is co-editor/author of Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain. She maintains a clinical practice in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada and believes compassion is the foundation of healthcare and overall well-being.
Learn more about Shelly’s work at to learn more
Material included in this course
Resource Package - PhysioYoga and the Pelvic Floor
Welcome and Important Information
Patient exercises included in this course
Loving Kindness Meditation
Circular Nostril Breath Visualization (Audio Only)
Supine Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Audio Only)
Chakra Meditation with Hand Mudras
Reclined Cobbler’s Pose with Self-GI Massage
Alternate Nostril Breath Visualization with Single Knee to Chest
Warrior 2 - Triangle - Half Moon Flow
Warrior 3 Variations
Standing Practices: Warrior 2 ↔ Triangle ↔ Half Moon Flow
Standing Practices: Chair Pose Variations
Plank, Child’s Plank, Puppy Dog Series
Half Kneel Stride with Variations
Cat/cow + Thread Needle Breath Variations
Hip Poses: Modifications at Wall
Garland Pose/Squat
Supported Extended Child’s Pose
Four Point Cat/Cow Variations
Supine Hip Warm-Up
Awareness Squat - Visual Feedback
Awareness Meditation
Toilet Meditation
Single Knee Up↔Lunge Variations
Tree Pose Variations
Sit ↔Stand Practices
Standing Practices: Wide-Legged Side Lunge Variations
Standing Practices: Dynamic Squats
Standing Practices: Warrior 1 ↔ Tree Flow
Standing Practices: Mountain Pose
Standing Foot Awareness Practices
Supine Practices
Hip Poses: Modifications Seated in Chair
Legs up the Wall: Modifications
Four Part Breath in Prone
Extended Child's Pose
Relaxation Malasana
Restorative Series
Prone Hip Awareness
Awareness: Child's Pose
Awareness: Crook-Lying and Supine
Awareness: Prone Tactile Feedback
Awareness: Seated Tactile Feedback
Awareness: Side-Lying Palpation
Patient education included in this course
Loving Kindness Meditation
How do home exercise programs work on Embodia?
Embodia provides patients with easy access to their home exercise programs from free mobile apps (Apple and Android) and online (via all modern web browsers).
A simple interface with clear instructions guides patients through a program tailored by their practitioner.
Practitioners can prescribe from our growing library of videos, easily record a patient being coached through exercises and share these private videos securely with the patient, or prescribe from their own library of videos. Practitioners are empowered to monitor patient progress via the patient dashboard.
Key practitioner features of the Embodia HEP platform include:
- Quick onboarding -- use it right away without extensive training required
- Customize HEPs with videos from the Embodia library
- Upload your videos quickly and easily
- Create a clinic library of content
- Ability to record patients in session on private, secure mobile app
- Improved patient-practitioner relationship and adherence to HEP
- Share educational resources with your patients
To learn more about Embodia for HEP please visit this page.
If you are a pelvic health practitioner, we also recommend that you review the information on this page.
What is a Resource Package?
A resource package is not a complete online course. Rather, a resource package on Embodia contains patient exercises and/or education that can be prescribed to patients by an Embodia Member (subscriber) with a Tier 2 or 3 Membership. You can view membership pricing and what's included in the membership tiers by going here.
While you can access/purchase resource packages without an Embodia Membership, you will get the most out of a resource package if you have a Tier 2 or 3 Membership.
If you have any further questions, please email us at
This course has exercises. Can I prescribe them to my patients?
Yes, exercises included in courses or resource packages on Embodia can be prescribed directly through the Embodia platform. A Tier 2 or 3 Membership is required to prescribe exercises. These memberships include a range of other features. You can learn about home exercise programs (HEP) on Embodia here, and about memberships on Embodia here.